Resources For Building a Healthy Marriage

My two favorite books that I think every couple could benefit from before they get married are….

Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix and Helen Hunt

Love Busters by Willard Harley, Jr.

(Click on the titles to link right to the book on Amazon).

Both of these cover much that you need to know and practice BEFORE you get married. No, they aren’t about finances, sex, or how to split household duties. They are about kindness, empathy, and how to respond to your partner’s bids.

I also recommend several TedTalks and videos, along with some assessments I give when I work with premarital couples. I will be doing a crash course with all of this information in April— which can be accessed via video or in person. If you are interested in this, hit the ‘Let’s Talk’ tab and let me know to put you on the list for the class. Or you can read the books and do all the work without me! :)